Welcome to SOMA

Jumua Khutba at 1:10 PM and Salah at 1:30 PM at Fleet Meadow Civic Hall, Sandringham Rd, Didcot OX11 8TP.
"When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)"
- Muslim

Daily Prayers

Isha Iqamah


1 Hours 53 Minutes

This is the Day of Judgement; We will have assembled you and the former peoples.

~ Al-Mursalat: 38 ~


SOMA’s mission is to cater the needs of the growing Muslim population in Didcot and the surrounding areas. Our main need is to have a dedicated place of worship (Masjid) where men, women, elderly and children can come and pray. Moreover the mosque should be open to wider public as a community center where muslim and non-muslim can meet, learn, socialise and get support for spiritual and mental wellbeing.

Upcoming events

Assalamualaikum dear community,

On behalf of SOMA, we are excited to introduce “The Impact Initiative,” a unique six-month program starting in July, brought to you by the SOMA Youth Project.

This program is specifically designed for individuals aged between 16-25 years old, aiming to equip you with essential skills through personal development workshops.

The highlight of the program? A chance to apply the newly acquired skills in paid internships with local charities!