Who We Are?

Our Mission

SOMA is a registered charity in the UK (No. 1200193) and aims to cater the needs of muslims community in Didcot and the surrounding South Oxfordshire areas through:
  • provisioning of a place of worship.
  • organising celebration of religious festivals.
  • engaging positively with local communities.
  • establishing interfaith dialogue and promoting Islam to wider public.
  • providing guidance about the religious and spiritual wellbeing to the local community.

Muslims form a sizable community in Didcot from a very diverse background of at least 12 nationalities. Our most recent poll shows that we have at least about 150 Muslim families living in Didcot. Most of us are working professionally in the healthcare, science and technology sectors. 


Since 2008, we have been renting different venues in Didcot to hold activities such as worship, children classes and social events. As our population grows this option is no longer viable and there are times where we have to host the same event more than once due to limited spaces.


Currently there is no mosque in Didcot and broadly areas between Oxford and Newbury; Swindon and High Wycombe. When we run out of option, the Muslim community has to travel 30-45 minutes to neighbouring towns such as Oxford and Reading where mosques are available. This option is unsustainable and causes adverse impact to the environment.

What we need

Didcot is a home to many Muslim families and we want to find a dedicated place to hold our regular community activities. We need your support to help us to locate a suitable place that is suitable to support our growing population.


Chairman: Dr. Mus’ab Shaharom

Mr. Muhammad Mutahar Islam

Mrs. Hina Islam

Mr. Aleem Mir

Mr. Zeeshan Najmi

Dr. Mus’ab Shaharom

Mr. Muhammad Mutahar Islam