Masjid Project


Thank you for visiting our website!

We hope you find the information you are looking for and we wish that you would also support us in our noble cause. We are calling it Didcot Masjid Project.

We are now a registered charity: South Oxfordshire Muslim Association (SOMA)

Didcot is the most prominent town in the South Oxfordshire for a number of reasons such as its busy train station and a number of Business and Science Parks that are situated around this rapidly growing town. As you might be aware, there is currently no Masjid (Mosque) available to the Muslims of Didcot and surrounding towns (even though it has the largest population of Muslims after Oxford). This is very large area just about 30 or miles radius or so, between Oxford and Newbury, and Swindon and High Wycombe. Muslims from this area, mostly centred in and around Didcot, commute to Oxford in order to pray and for other religious obligations – where an average journey can take up to 45 minutes on each side.

Considering the needs and difficulties, a group of local professional Muslims got together and established “Didcot Muslims Society” back in 2008 with the aim to provide for the social and religious needs of the local Muslims families and individuals. With the Grace of Allah, we have managed to establish the Jummah Prayers, regular Quran classes for Children, Taraweeh in Ramadan and Eid prayers and a few other social and religious activities. To be able to do this, all we have is to hire the local community centres on a regular basis.

We are at a point that we need a dedicated place, a Mosque, which would be used for social, religious and educational needs of the growing Muslim community in this part of the country. Without a Mosque, it is becoming increasingly challenging for us as we are struggling to cope with the hire costs and arrangements. We undoubtedly need a self-sufficient, permanent place for all age groups, elderly and children, for both men and women. Our aim is to establish a local Masjid for the growing Muslims community of Didcot and neighbouring towns in South Oxfordshire. Our vision is to establish a place which will also become a central point for larger community cohesion by offering all members of the community both Muslims and Non-Muslim to gather and share the experience of common values.

We require a significant level of help and support to make this happen as soon as we can, therefore we request your help and support too!

Anyone can get involved in this community project in a number of ways. We believe that you, dear reader, can support this cause not only just financially, but also by giving your support to this project. Especially for the Muslims, this is an excellent opportunity to earn significant reward of Sadqa-e-Jaariya (on-going charity) as this is a noble cause and service for the Muslim community.

We need sizeable funding to be able acquire a place to adequately support the growing Muslim community. This project is the most valuable investment any Muslim can make; an investment for the Hereafter and we really hope that you help us with your kind donations, and Support us.

“And spend in the Cause of ALLAH and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of ALLAH), and do good. Truly, ALLAH loves Al-Muhsinun (the good doers)” – [Al-Baqarah 2:195]

If you would like to support this great cause please go to our “Contact Us” page for more details.

We the Muslim Community of Didcot endeavour to establish an Islamic Cultural Centre and Mosque, a sacred space, that will serve the diverse and growing Muslim community in Didcot and South Oxfordshire region, We aim to build a centre that will benefit not only the Muslim community but also the wider society. The centre will:

1 - Provide a place for worship

The centre will provide a place for worship for the diverse and growing Muslim community in Didcot and the wider South Oxfordshire region.

2 - Promote religious inclusivity

The center will aim to create a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds, regardless of their ethnicity, race, nationality, or level of religious observance. It will encourage dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect among diverse individuals and communities.

3 - Foster community engagement

The center will serve as a hub for social interaction, community engagement, and support services. It will provide a space where Muslims and non-Muslims alike can come together, and participate in educational programs, cultural events, and community initiatives that promote social cohesion and address common challenges.

4 - Provide religious education

The centre will aim to offer religious education programs catering to individuals and groups of different ages and backgrounds. These programs can include classes on Quranic studies, Islamic history, theology, ethics, and comparative religion. Additionally, it will aim to organise workshops and seminars to address contemporary issues and challenges faced by Muslims and the broader society.